Crochet Plushies & Dolls
Assorted Polar Bears
Why polar bears?
Why NOT polar bears?
I made a chubby teddy style bear, a vaguely more releastic one, and then another teddy using my original chibi doll design (pattern coming soon!) I don't know why the first two are wearing scarves. The last one is wearing a blazer on account of he looked very naked without clothes on.
The chibi doll bear is of particular note, not only because of the cool pattern, but also because for the first time ever I decided to switch to button eyes instead of 100% crochet. I think they look a bit cleaner, yeah? I'm probably going to invest in some
Sad Wolf Plushie
This was a quick and special commission for a friend. I wish I could have found some sad button eyes, but I could not. I relied a lot on body language to make him look sad. He looks pretty sad, imo. I didn't pattern him. A lot of my plushies are extra-special and I don't pattern them because I want them to be the only one exactly like them in the world. ;)

MTG Dolls: Chandra and Jace
"Crochet me Chandra and Jace from Magic: The Gathering. Yeah, the nerdy card game. Make them chibi, please." - A Customer
"Done." - Me
These dolls were the reason I created (and also bothered to write down) my chibi doll pattern. To make these I first created two "blank" dolls and then I added their details, which I did not pattern. Patterning realy disrupts my flow, ya'll. I'm also not even sure how to explain what I did to make Chandra's fire hair. I patterned the basic doll because I needed to make two that were actually the same and I also realized they were really cool and easy to customize.
A Camel
Camel. Camel. Camel.
I eyeballed his legs. They may all look the same, but they're not. I really should have at least jotted down some notes. I'm pretty good at eyeballing though.
This was an inside joke birthday present.

Plus Some More...!
Duck from Sarah & Duck. Claptrap from Borderlands (pattern available). Random antropomorphic donkey with blue ears, wearing clothes and holding a chocolate-covered nut.