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DRAMA LLAMA! Knit Beanies
Llamas and exclamation points in crazy colors! That was the original idea behind these hats. They evolved also to include rows of argyle and chevron in place of the exclamation points to mix it up. This was the first WRC original design! Heck yeah for blocky-shaped llamas!
There are still a handful available in the shop and I will also take custom requests for them. Any color! I can also add a pom pom and/or earflaps for a few extra cashdolla. Llama llaplanders?!
WoollyRhino Originals

Hot Beverage Beanies
As a coffeee addict, it made sense to make some hats with coffee cups. They can also be tea cups if tea is...uh, your cup of tea?
There are all made of Lion Brand Heartland yarn in rad earthy tones. You an also request these in custom colors.
The pattern is available here!

Tiger Hats
My goal for these hats was to create a seamless pattern that was continuous in all directions. Tigers are cool, especially when they're in crazy colors. I channelled Lisa Frank for some of these.
The pattern is available here! The chart stacks vertically so it can also be used for scarves and other projects, not just these cute hats.

You can venture over to Facebook to get the most up-to-date information about my original designs and patterns.
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