Inspired Designs
Dark Tower Hats
I could babble for hours about Stephen King's Dark Tower series. I strongly encourage everyone to read the books as well as the companion graphic novels and everything else. The movie is finally happened and I've pooped my pants from glee.
Crimson King and Unfound hats are almost always available in the shop, but I can also make Mark of Eld and Ka hats on demand. I'll keep merrily filling the Dark Tower knitwear void until officially licensed merchandise is released and someone tells me to stop. lulz

Beam Guardian Cable Scarves
Again, Dark Tower! I didn't make a lot of these scarves, as they were extremely time-consuming. They were begging to be made though. I made at least one of each of the beams and several of the Turtle-Bear beam. The first one I made was in Peruvian Highland wool then I made subsequent scarves from Lion Brand Heartland, except the Horse-Dog beam, which I used Vanna's Choice for (and didn't like). I do intend to write up the pattern to make these, including all of the animal guardian charts. I'll get around to this one day, I promise.

Bigfoot Hats
For about 45 seconds in one episode of the first season of Gilmore Girls Lorelai wears a bigfoot hat. I reverse-engineered the pattern. I will make these in custom colors, add pom poms, add earflaps, whateva!
Get the pattern I made here for FREE!
I'll also let you in on a secret...I absolutely hate that show. I like these hats though. Because cryptids.

Crocheted Dalek Beanies
I wanted to make Dalek hats that functioned as hats, but still looked like Daleks. There are lot of Dalek hats out there and a lot of them have a bunch of things sticking off of them - these are cool and awesome, but someone you just need a basic, utilitarian Dalek hat, amirite? I put on Doctor Who and made these. The pattern is available in adult and kid sizes and it's an easy intro to tapestry crochet as well! Find it here.

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